Friday, April 4, 2014

D is for Deadlines

D is for Deadlines

As a first time author, I experienced deadlines many times last year. Not only did I receive deadlines from my publisher, but I gave myself deadlines before I ever signed a contract. "You will finish this manuscript, send it out to agents & publishers and get a response or I quit." Those voices in my head can be demanding. I think it's crucial, we give ourselves reasonable goals. Writing (at least, for me) isn't a job where a boss or a cheerleader hovers over me, shouting, "Let's go, fight, win!" Only my inner voice talks to me and in the quietness (until my teenage boys show up after practice, digging for food in the kitchen) I slap my computer a few times, pound the desk and crawl into my mind palace (via Sherlock). Yes, that's my writing ritual when it comes to deadlines. Do you work better with deadlines?
Just like your writer's life, give those characters in your story a deadline--a goal to reach before time runs out. K.M. Weiland just posted a writing tip on twitter:"List the top 10 worst things that could happen to your main character." Here's the fun part of being a writer. Now, do everything in the sadistic power of your pen to prevent your MC from reaching his deadline.

#amwriting #atozchallenge #writetip 

Stop by K.M. Weiland's blog if you want to be a better writer.


  1. I'm so much better when I'm under the crunch of a deadline!

  2. “I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.” Best quote ever. Happy A to Z blogging!

  3. I definitely work better with a deadline. I like setting goals and reaching them :)

  4. I use deadlines all the time. I've gone insane and decided that I'll put up three posts a week on my blog, I need to keep tabs on that, and not fall behind. Because, if I'm late/miss a post, I'll be annoyed at myself all week.

    In general, I find they push me to get more done and in an even pace.

  5. I'm very bad at not keeping up with particular writing deadlines. One for my editor, I'll keep. One for myself--always negotiable.

  6. I need deadlines, even made up ones. I always want to do everything. Things for others with deadlines get done first, things for myself with deadlines that make money are done second, things for myself with deadlines (no money involved) get done third, things w/o deadlines ... well, they sometimes get done. Great post for the A to Z


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