Wednesday, November 4, 2015

November #IWSG: NaNo Anyone?

Come join Alex J. Cavanaugh and the Insecure Writer's Support Group. We discuss our fears, insecurities, ups and downs of the writing process and post the first Wednesday of every month!

Living in the Midwest for most of my life has been a dream come true for this lover of fall. Who's gearing up for NaNoWriMo? The National Novel (in November) Writing Month kick starts my brain into high gear. Every year I participate, but I never register. One year while teaching fifth grade I registered my entire class. Every kid in my class wrote a novel. Achievement unlocked.

I must confess, I always begin writing my new novel a few weeks earlier in October. My goal is to finish it by the end of November with the rest of the NaNoers. So my goal remains the same every year: roughly six weeks and I have myself a brand new novel. I'm already 10,000 words into my precious, another upper middle-grade contemporary fantasy, but I fear I am quickly falling behind. I do love a challenge though!

What's so special about the fall season and writing books? Inspiration. My favorite season rapidly spreads inspiration into my veins like a flesh eating bacteria. Maybe that's a visual you weren't expecting, but it works.

Sometimes we just need a good excuse to get our butts back in the writing chair. And the fact that thousands of writers all over the world are participating in NaNo gives us a powerful motivation to join the party. Facebook, twitter, and critique groups all offer support and endless writing articles during this crazy month of cranking out a novel in thirty days.

So as you cozy up to the fireplace, your ten cups of coffee and your computer, remember to harness the inspiration all around you. Take my youngest teenage son, for example. I seriously can't make this stuff up. He came home from football practice the other day and said, "Mom, guess what we're reading in lit class? To Kill a Mocking Jay."

He was clueless. I laughed until my sides hurt.

So who's with me? Writing this month? Finishing up edits? Enjoying this season? Just for the record, the city of Hannibal is stunning in the fall.


  1. To Kill a Mocking Jay - funny!
    Six weeks sounds right for writing a novel. Stay motivated!

    1. That kid. He's the reason I write middle-grade humor. Thanks! I think it helps if you're completely excited about your story idea.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I am with you Jennifer about finishing a novel this month. Though I am not doing NaNo, I still hope to complete the first draft of my novel. Good luck with your writing.

  4. I am editing and outlining and revising. But I took the last two days off to catch up on "The Walking Dead." Too many spoilers going around and I wanted to see what was going on!

    IWSG November Post

    1. I haven't gotten into the Walking Dead yet. There are so many shows I have on my TBWatched list:) Does the editing ever really stop?

  5. Hi Jennifer, I'm taking the plunge but will not sign up until Friday. I have a really cool idea for a new YA book and want to get started on it right away.

    Best wishes to you and NaNo!

  6. To Kill a Mocking Jay! Someone should write that mash-up!
    And getting your entire class to write a novel in November? Wow!
    I can't work with word count goals. I've tried. They de-motivate me and don't mesh with my creative process. However, I did want to set "writing time" goals for November. Committing to a certain amount of time works better for me than committing to a certain number of words.

    1. I'm with you on the word count goals. I never make myself write x amount of words a day etc. My goal of choice is to write a chapter or a scene a day. Wouldn't that be a great mash-up?!

  7. I bet you scour the internet or Instagram for lovely fall pics! I don't know what I'd do if I moved away from my fave season.

  8. 10,000 words in is awesome! Good luck with your goal!

    Fall always inspires me...except it doesn't seem like fall here in Florida so I'm not feeling very inspired right now.

    1. I bet your scenery inspires you in other ways that fall can not. Thanks! I'm back to outlining. Enough winging it!

  9. I'm writing. Or trying to. I hope I can finish! I hope you do too, good luck! :)

    1. It's nice to know there are so many others converging on the same goal.

  10. I've never been able to finish NaNo, although I have attempted a few times. I like that you have your own goals in mind and don't officially sign up. I think it's always better when we make our own goals. Good luck!

    1. Yes, too much pressure if I actually did sign up:) I'm hoping to finish, but if I don't, at least I've gotten a good chunk written.

  11. Fall is my best time for writing because my stories tend toward the spooky side. I love the wild and scary feeling that fall brings.

    1. Ditto. The last two books I've written take place in October. Coincidence? I think not!

  12. I love this time of the year. It's not the same in Florida, but it does cool down some.

    Writing... Yup. Doing that. I've got 3 more deadlines for this year and am working on a novel in the background. There isn't enough time or brainpower for actual writing.

  13. An entire class of 5th graders wrote 50,000 words? Wow. Now I feel like a total slacker.

    I don't do NaNo, primarily because that's not the way I write. At the moment I'm polishing a fantasy novel. I'll get there. Eventually. In my own time.

    1. Nah, you're not a slacker:) Students don't have to write the standard 50k. They make a class goal or an individual goal. I think they reached 10k. Nice accomplishment for a fifth grader.

  14. Good point. This is the perfect time of year to write fiction. It's so inspiring! I wonder if more books are set in the fall as a result.

  15. That's amazing your entire class wrote a novel! Shows what a bit of mutual encouragement can do. Starting early to finish at the end of Nov is a good idea too. Wish I'd thought of it!

  16. We don't have fall in Miami, but I wished I had traveled this season to see the leaves turn in the North. I find the fall to be inspirational. If I ever do NaNo in the future, I'll outline in October so that November I just have to worry about the words flowing out instead of doing any hard thinking.


May #IWSG: Mayday!

         Come join Alex J. Cavanaugh and the Insecure Writer's Support Group. We discuss our fears, insecurities, ups and downs of the w...